Tuesday, June 22, 2010

People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals. "The Fast Food Industry Abuses Animals." At Issue: Fast Food. Ed. Tracy Brown Collins. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Web.

In the article the fast food companies have increased their care for the animals they produce. Before, they had little respect for the animals that they are slaughter for food. The animals were being slaughtered without any remorse. The animals were also put into tight spaces where they had no room to move or spread their legs or wings. They were also handled as though they were objects that are not living. Now these companies have tried to change because of the people who care about the safety of these animals. Because the little amount of people who are aware of these cruelties, the animals are now treated better. This has made a change but more people should be aware of this. The more people that know, the more change could happen. This could help the little animals that do not know the beautiful world they are born in.

This is relevant because it is on the topic of animal cruelty in the food industry. This article is on the improvements of the food industry which is relevant because that is the goal I am reaching for. Even though it is about improvements’ it still has the main idea of animal cruelty. This is current because it was published 5 years ago. This is credible because it comes from a group that has posted other articles.

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